Why are there so many fake things all round, the country is gradually becoming the fake capital of the world, we are so astonished by the avalanche of fake things we see daily-fake people, fake breast, fake complexion, Fake Christian Louboutin shoes, Fake GianMarco Lorenzi's, Fake Tom's,Fake Hermes Birkin bags, Fake LV, Fake smile, Fake friendships,fake!fake!!fake!!!!!!!!everything. What is going on. And the culprits are also well known in the society, meaning.......... they too are FAKE!!!!!!!!!!.

In order to impress or be counted amongst those who are the IT people, people are so willing to sell their birthright for nothing, that is why there is so much unholy relationships going on, people have put themselves under so much pressure,and are so desperate to do anything, just because they want to belong.

Imagine this, an average Hermes Birkin bag goes for between $9,000 & $150,000 dollars, the cost is determined by the rarity of the material used for its production-Ostritch,Alligator,Crocodile,Lizard etc, in Naira that's between #1,350,000 & #22,500,000 that's at #150 to a Dollar, that's a staggering  amount, dont you all think?, but go out in Lagos and some other parts of the country, you see big madams, young girls, models even University students carrying them in all colours, some in some very odd colours, that  they immediately shout fake. We know for sure some carry the real McCoy, but check out this scenario a student or a young girl, who is still under her parents care, spending that much on one single bag, she's either a thief or better still an armed robber, a ritualist or a call girl and for her to be the last one, she's must be something special. We remember the wife of a former governor, who is now a Senator that bought one for her daughter sometime back, atleast we know those one's could afford it.

Let us look at another scenario, the average Christian Louboutin costs between $400 & & $900 though some go more expensive, again depending on some variables, in Naira that comes to about #60,000 & #135,000, which though is still affordable,but its still steep for the average pockets, but you can be so sure to see it everywhere, been worn by all and sundry, some even now use it to play football-Lwkld!!!!!!!!!!!!, AND IT GOES ON AND ON LIKE THAT.

And the question that continually comes to mind is this, must you carry a designer label?, who are you trying to validate your ignorance to?, why must you put yourself under unnecessary pressure, to impress another. Why?,why??, why?????.


1.The name ''Hermes Paris,Made in France'' is always stamped on the front face of the bag.
2.The date of the manufacture, is always on the bags. The artisans mark and year of production are stamped beneath the right belt.
3.The stitching is important, the authentic Hermes bags have straight,even stitches and no loose thread,and the thread will match the bag.
4.Hermes bags have a covering to protect the hardware, which is never removed, until purchase. And the hardware is solid, not hollow.
5.Inside of the bag,Hermes bags do not ever have metal namep plates, and they are made of the finest leathers.
6.The best way to know the real, is to go to the authentic Hermes store, and get aquainted with the real McCoy, the lining, the leather,the attention to the minutest details and the understated elegance of the bag.
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