Dressing well or looking , is every man's personal business some would shout to the high heavens, every one has the personal liberty to do whatever they feel like doing,as long as it does not contravene the laws of the land, one thing that is a fact majorly is that no one can exist alone, it takes people to make societies,communities, people band together to live as people for reasons best known to them, and in this groups, societies, communities, families,tribes etc, there are unspoken natural rules of etiquette, that governs appearances, there are things one would wear in the name of fashion that would seem good to the wearer because of fashion or personal style, that would be considered madness by others, what remains a fact is that one must be appropriately dressed, to do so means that one must be occasion appropriate, that is there are outfits considered okay for particular events and occasions, it would be wrong to wear a full white tie outfit or a full black tie outfit to a cocktail party and vice versa, while it is appropriate to do casual elegance to a concert, it would look rather crazy, to wear a full agbada to that same event or a full dinner outfit, it would give the wearer the appearance of been STIFF, while it is considered appropriate to wear suit to work for both men and women, it is frowned on when one would wear shorts and other things considered overly casual, especially when a lady would flash the cleveage unnecessarily. The pictures posted are some of those we found a bit odd and in order not to be seen to be outrightly judgemental, we decided to ask for your opinion, so we have brought this to the court of public opinion, MM would appreciate your thoughts on each picture, and please let it be a constructive one, without been insultive. Thanks
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